Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My own shamba

In Kenya, a shamba is a small farm or garden. Nearly everyone has one. Not wanting to be left out, I asked Edna if she could help me plant mine, as there was already a spot for it in my backyard. So, I now have a shamba planted. No plants yet, but they should be here soon with all the rain we’ve been getting. Currently, I have the following things planted – tomatoes, basil, cilantro, sukuma wiki (kale), carrots and beans (I think). We have plans to add onions, green peppers, and hopefully pumpkins. So, stay tuned for the progress. I can’t wait to be able to get these things out of my backyard! Now if I could just learn how to milk a cow J I’ve put some pics below.
My backyard
The shamba
The back of my house - a great place to read!


Big Jim said...

Ha Ha! It almost sounds like my first attempt at a garden! I didn't know much. But, I did my best. I ended up with 24 tomato plants, 24 pepper plants and 12 hills of beans! Mom and I couldn't give the vegetables away fast enough! Good luck! Enjoy it! The scene from your back yard is gorgeous! Love, DAD

Benedicks in Shell said...

We love staying update on what you're doing. Our family had your prayer card as our daily focus several days ago, so know that you're being prayed for.
Love, the Benedicks

Sarah Gutierrez said...

Girl, I love reading about this stuff. Thanks for sharing.

I left you a little surprise on my blog. :)